Last week, I was able to go to my parents house and spend my birthday with my family. I couldn't have asked for a better gift than to be able to spend a week with my family. Landon and I had so much fun with my parents and siblings. My brother and I share a birthday, so it was neat to be with him on our birthday.
I came home last Friday because Landon had taken sick on Wednesday evening and by Thursday I had to take him to the ER because he was having febrile seizures. We found out that he had ear infections which were causing his fever to spike and the high fever was causing his seizures. So, since he was feeling a little better Friday morning, I brought him home so he could go see his doctor here. I just feel better if he sees his doctor who knows him and knows what's going on with him on a regular basis. All I can say, is Thank God for insurance. A few days after his ears were getting better he had severe allergies that were causing his eyes to swell and drain so we were back at the doctors office for another visit, and another round of medicine.
Today was our ladies prayer meeting and after prayer meeting, my in-laws said they were going to eat at a place here in town and we decided to go with them. Little did I know that I was being set up for a surprise party...since I was out of town on my birthday, the ladies decided to surprise me with a party today after prayer meeting.

When we pulled up, I said to my husband that I thought I recognized one of the ladies cars in our church that wouldn't normally go out to eat. He convinced me that it wasn't her car, and then insisted that we wait on his parents to get there before going in the restaurant. Being the OCD person that I am, I was determined to go ahead in and get us a table before the lunch crowd arrived. Little did I know that I was ruining their plan!
When I walked in the door and seen everyone sitting there and heard, "SURPRISE!" I understood just how much I had messed up their plans of me being the last one to walk in. I am a hard person to surprise, but they all succeeded today. Our ladies leader knows that I am a different person from the normal...I like things that are out of the ordinary and am not your typical female. So, she had ordered me a cookie cake, and they had decided to have a more relaxed lunch for my surprise. THANK YOU!!! It was awesome. It really made my day!

They gave me a basket of 'goodies' since I turned 40. I think there's something in that basket for every type of pain I'll have for the next forty years! And then they gave me an awesome box filled with money...lots of money! It just don't get any better. I put the money towards something special that I am saving for and planning on doing for myself sometime in the next few months...but that's gonna be another blog all it's own. I am working on the courage and getting the nerve up to do this one, so stay tuned... :)

Tonight, we had our National Night Out here in town, and Landon had a blast! Everything was free, all the food, drinks, goodies, and games. Here's a few shots from tonight...
Landon on the rock climbing wall

The fire department sprayed out soap for the kids to play in, and then had the ladder truck spraying a fine mist to wash them off. Since it was so HOT, this was popular with the kids!

Landon loved it...

Landon's favorite...Cotton Candy!

Anthony helped run the cotton candy machine for a bit...that stuff is WILD!

The hammer was heavier than Landon...but he wanted to try.

My husband was in the dunking booth from 7-8pm, and Landon was determined to dunk his daddy! DETERMINED! He kept going through the line time after time, until finally Bro. Jerry, a neighboring pastor in town, decided to help him out a little! He is Landon's new best friend!

Thankfully, Anthony is such a good sport about things because he got dunked 'illegally' quiet a few times tonight!