Friday, February 19, 2010

Welcome to Heaven, Grandma!

Heaven just welcomed one of the most beautiful angels they've ever seen. My grandmothers struggle with life just ended a few moments ago. To say I'm heartbroken would be an understatement. However, the silver lining to this cloud of death is that she is no longer a stranger in her own body. She's no longer struggling to feel better. She's at home. She's with her love once again.

My precious mother made sure she was looking beautiful before she went to meet my grandfather. Mom helped the nurse bathed her this morning, put a pretty gown on her, and fixed her hair and all so nice. Oh, if you could have seen her...the picture my mom sent with her hair fixed all to just process through all the hurts and tears that death leaves to those of us still here on earth.

As sad as I am, I wouldn't call her back for one moment. If I could see her now, I probably would wipe these tears away and be smiling. I have a sneeky feeling there will be some 'dancing' in heaven tonight. My heart tells me to smile because her and grandpa are finally together again. But, my eyes don't always listen to my heart. I just wished I could see them waltzing across the heavens while that band of angels played for them!

What a legacy she has left...Landon is the 137th grandchild (there are 5 generations) and he's not the last one. :-)

Say a prayer for my moms brothers and sisters have asked him to do the service. It's such an honor for him, yet his heart is as broken as ours. He's loved her like his own grandmother for the 21 years we've been married. She made the statement several times that he was just like her own.

My husband and Grandma last month when we went home for a few days to spend some time with her.

Myself, Landon, Anthony and Grandma

Grandma with my Uncle Carlos who was so much more than a son-n-law to her. This is my moms baby sister's husband. My grandmother lived with them since my grandfather passed and they took care of her so well! It was perfect for my grandmother because she lived three houses down from her own house, so she could still feel like she was close to home. Thanks, Uncle Carlos for always taking such good care of her!

We celebrated her 82nd birthday just a couple of weeks ago...and now she's received the best birthday gift...Heaven!


Pam said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.

Parsley said...

Oh my dear friend. Been there. Prayers for peace your way.

Carol Kennon said...

Thanks Pam and Parsley.

Also to the anonymous person who left me a comment about there not being dancing in heaven...PLEASE! If you cannot believe that a person can 'dance' for joy in heaven, then forgive me while I imagine. I rejected your comment because I found it rude and offensive for you to come to my blog at such a time as this and feel the need to tell me how sinful dancing is and how that it's just not allowed in heaven.

To all the others reading, I apologize for venting about this comment, but I could not let it go. I had to say something. My apologies to you.

Miller Racing Family said...

Bless your heart, we will be praying for your family.I am so glad that you were able to spend time with her these past few months and that you got these priceless photos!

Monica said...

Sounds like she was an amazing lady!Praying for you and your family.Love ya.

Hannah Nicole said...

A beautiful, beautiful post. Very heartfelt. I'm sure there will be dancing.