Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Journey

Death is not the's simply a completetion of one journey and the beginning of a much better one!

Farewell on your heavenly journey, Bro. Wayne! We'll miss you...but we'll met you in that sweet by and by! Thank you for the impact you made on our lives! You're gone from this present world...but NEVER forgotten by us!

Our hearts have been overwhelmed since the phone rang on Monday evening to tell us of your passing. We have cried many tears, and then laughed at many memories and times we shared with you. We have thought of all the wonderful times you encouraged me and my husband over the last 22 years,(and especially in the last year since we moved back to Louisiana!) and then found ourselves asking each other what we would do without your encouragement and smiles that you always gave to us so freely. There will be a void in our life...that's for sure. But we know that each time a rememberance of you is brought to our mind, a smile will follow!

Things just won't be the same without you...especially at church and on the platform. It will be hard for us to look over at the place you always sat and played your guitar. Your voice will be missed when we have special songs. We will have to find a new normal and learn to get through without you. But, one thing for sure...we will never forget you! We loved you too much!

1 comment:

Miller Racing Family said...

What a precious post. We will keep praying for you all.